Do you reach out to your audience using newsletters?

We’ll dive deep into how you can leverage this medium to promote SafetyWing through newsletters alongside informative, authentic content that people will want to open up and read.

There will be some practical examples from some of our Ambassadors who have seen great success promoting our products and the Ambassador program to their network.

How many subscribers do I need to monetize my newsletter?

We’ve seen as much success from a newsletter with 100 subscribers as we have from a newsletter with 250,000. But why? Quality, authentic content that engages and provides useful tips, tricks, tools, and opportunities always sees more response than a hastily applied link placed out of context at the bottom of a newsletter.

Newsletters tend to be signed up by audiences who have decided that they already want to be notified of what you have to say. By growing a newsletter following, you’ve already done half of the most difficult work by growing a dedicated audience; now it’s time to engage with them!

Ways to promote SafetyWing within a newsletter

Text link implementation

Text links are the most simple and effective way to convert your audience. A well-placed link, usually integrated within the content itself, sees a high percentage of click-throughs.

If you’re writing about something not immediately related to travel insurance, you can always include a mention of the product within one or two sentences at the bottom of the newsletter.

To get your link, head over to your Ambassador Cockpit. There you’ll see a variety of options to choose from. You can send traffic directly to the SafetyWing website, where they’ll be able to browse all our products, or you can select a particular product to promote, such as Nomad Insurance. There are also links to our Borderless and Building Remotely resources as well, which may integrate with your message better and will still work as an affiliate tracking link.

With text links, we recommend the following:

  1. Place your link within the first few paragraphs of your newsletter; this way, you’ll avoid any drop-off rate that might occur from viewers who don’t want to scroll through an email.
  2. Make it organic. Craft a newsletter around your link. We often provide exciting incentives and competitions at SafetyWing, which can be a great focus for your mailout. When you’re offering your audience something tangible, you’re providing real value, and a link will be appreciated.
  3. Create a strong call to action. Travel medical insurance protects you in the most serious of circumstances, so providing a call to action with a sense of urgency makes sense. We’ve seen a solid rate of success with “Get Insured”, “Get covered in three minutes”, or “Click here to get signed up”
  4. Be authentic! When reaching out to your audience, they want to know about your own personal experiences alongside things that you’ve genuinely found useful. Speaking from experience and providing clear evidence of benefits will help you grow a strong level of trust with your audience.
  5. Don’t be afraid to be upfront about your use of affiliate links. Explain to your audience that you’re using them, discuss how it helps you and provide a disclaimer if necessary. Being open and honest will further the trust of your audience and have the added benefit of avoiding search engine penalties and legal issues.
  6. Newsletters can be short and sweet and often work better that way, but you can always use backlinks to provide more in-depth information about products. Maybe send your audience a comparison article to help them make a decision on their insurance purchases or link to a video that discusses the importance of being covered for emergencies when Nomading around.
  7. Be careful with what you promote. Affiliate links are a great way to monetize the newsletters you send out, but if your email is saturated with them, it’s going to look spammy and potentially even be flagged as such, affecting your reach and open rate. When using affiliate text links, keep their use fairly light and ensure that whatever products you’re promoting are significantly different from each other to avoid audience confusion.

Keep it informative and concise