Do you have a podcast?

In this module, we’ll show you how to promote SafetyWing on your podcast to maximize your affiliate earnings.

We will showcase real-life examples from our Ambassadors who are already promoting SafetyWing successfully to inspire you to get started.

How many listeners/downloads do I need?

This is without a doubt, our most commonly asked question whether it’s related to blogs, Youtube or podcasts!

We do not have a minimum audience requirement to join our SafetyWing Ambassador program, especially as a podcaster as listeners can vary so much.

We have seen the best results from individuals who have been podcasting for at least 6-12 months as they are not complete beginners and they are likely to have already taken on some sponsorships.

That said, don’t be discouraged if you’ve been in the podcasting game for less than 6 months. You can still be a successful Ambassador. If our products and mission speak to you, they will most likely speak to your audience too, or people in their wider networks.

Your listeners are tuned in to your podcast because they are engaged in YOU. Your stories, your travels, your advice. When you speak to them each week or month, the conversation doesn’t end there. They organically go on to share within their own networks when things resonate with them. If you know your audience, and it could be of value to them, then share no matter the size of your platform.

Whether you have 10 listeners or 10,000 - you have influence, which can be leveraged on the Ambassador Program.

Ways to promote SafetyWing on your podcast

Of course, podcasts are audio-driven so how can you convert sales through your Ambassador referral link?

Pre-roll ads

These are a great way to showcase that you have an Ambassador link and convert sales in your podcast episodes.

Would you believe having ads in your podcast actually increases its legitimacy?

Having ads will indicate to your audience that your podcast is popular enough for people to want to advertise on it.

This might sound simple, but this can go a long way with new listeners. For your OG listeners on the other hand that know and love you by now, they’ll be pleased to hear you moving upwards in the podcasting ranks and having products to endorse!

Be sure to mention your SafetyWing Ambassador link in the show notes to avoid your audience running off to Google SafetyWing and you not being rewarded for your referral.

For example for the ‘She’s Up and Away’ podcast the pre-roll ad would go something like this:

”…And that’s why next time I hit the road, I’ll be taking travel medical insurance with me. Knowing I’m covered by SafetyWing means I can travel with confidence, even if I don’t know where my trip will take me yet! Nomad Insurance covers me as soon as I leave my home country for specific dates or on a rolling monthly basis, whatever works best for me! If you’re interested in learning more about the Nomad Insurance I use you can visit the website using my link in the show notes!”